Mathias Meyer
added success flag
was committed by Mathias Meyer
Saturday Jun 21
changeset - using set_status_icon consistently no... was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:57 PM changeset
- updated todo was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:56 PM changeset
- deployment status is now shown throug... was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:56 PM changeset
- a little cleanup was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:28 PM changeset
- now notifying completed deployments t... was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:20 PM changeset
- laying groundwork for growl notificat... was committed by Mathias Meyer 08:29 PM changeset
fixed calculation if a build finished...
was committed by Mathias Meyer
Tuesday Jun 17
changeset -
some minor fixes to integrate build s...
was committed by Mathias Meyer
Saturday Jun 14
changeset - back to the nicer looking block versi... was committed by Mathias Meyer 09:58 PM changeset